A MERCEDES on kayaking waterways – stable, safe, designed for recreational kayakers.
A MERCEDES on kayaking waterways – stable, safe, designed for recreational kayakers.
Even the most demanding kayaker will enjoy its compact, spacious design and comfortable seats with adjustable backrests. The kayak is easy to maneuver, excellent on narrow, shallow, winding rivers.
1 – 4 days | 5 – 7 days | 8 days and more |
54 PLN /day | 52 PLN /day | 50 PLN /day |
The price includes paddling gear:
paddles, life vests (children’s sizes available), soft seats
Discounts for regular customers.
Spływy kajakowe z pasją, wycieczki autokarowe, imprezy dla firm
ul. Konwaliowa 2
Augustów 16-300, Polska
+48 87 644 67 58