The BEST single recreational & touring kayak with one or two waterproof luggage compartments.
The BEST single recreational & touring kayak with one or two waterproof luggage compartments.
Super comfortable seat with adjustable backrests, rigging, waterproof luggage compartment(s), and adjustable footrests make the kayak ideal for longer, multi-day expeditions.
1 – 4 days | 5 – 7 days | 8 days and more |
54 PLN /day | 52 PLN /day | 50 PLN /day |
The price includes paddling gear:
paddle, life vest (children’s sizes available)
Discounts for regular customers.
Spływy kajakowe z pasją, wycieczki autokarowe, imprezy dla firm
ul. Konwaliowa 2
Augustów 16-300, Polska
+48 87 644 67 58