Czarna and Biała Hańcza, Augustowski Canal – kayaking trip Comfort – 8 days

Fast flowing water and natural obstacles on Biała Hańcza River. Relax and lazy paddling on Czarna Hańcza River. Poland and Lithuania - "Black and White" in kayak. Accommodation in Villa Skomanda in Augustów, 6 days of kayaking trip. NEW OFFER.



8/6 days

82 km

Villa Skomanda in Augustów

HB - breakfasts, dinners


different difficulty levels

Initial booking reservation

SBCzH2 | 20.07-27.07.2024

Other participants:

Person 1

Osoba 2

Osoba 3

Additional accommodation

Special requirements


Spływy kajakowe z pasją, wycieczki autokarowe, imprezy dla firm
ul. Konwaliowa 2
Augustów 16-300, Polska

+48 87 644 67 58

+48 601 146 703